G. F. Haas: „Thomas“

G. F. Haas: „Thomas“
Thinking back to last weeks intense and fulfilling performances of „Thomas“ by G.F.Haas/Händl Klaus. For a those who didn’t make it to see one of the shows here is the press:
„Haas demands an art of expression schooled in classical art song in the two central roles. The baritone Holger Falk sings the part of Thomas, left behind in life, hauntingly, expressively and subtly like a modern song cycle.“ (Abendzeitung München),
„Although doctors, nurses, corpse washers and a garishly eroticised funeral director break up Thomas‘ work of mourning through banal everyday life, none of them can compete with Holger Falk’s primal ego encapsulation. […] Moreover, the play concentrates on the protagonist, who is in constant action for an hour and a half. Which seems to be what really gets the sensitive berserker Holger Falk going. His Thomas cannot at all come to terms with the death of his beloved, he then imagines his resurrection in pain.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung) Read more and
„‚Thomas‘ by Georg Friedrich Haas and Händl Klaus is carried above all by baritone Holger Falk. […] in its concentration on the singing, acting human being, on a chamber intensity, ‚Thomas‘ is also strong. Provided you have such an exceptional performer as Holger Falk. Falk translates the tenderness and condensed emotionality of Händl Klaus‘ verses into singing of the same quality. With a soft, smooth, effortlessly expanding baritone. With great clarity and – basically the ideal case – a speaking that naturally expands into singing.“ (Münchner Merkur)
Photo (c) W. Hösl
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