Holger Falk sings the worldpremiere of Manfred Trojahns new Monoopera „Ein Brief“, based on the Monologue of Hugo von Hofmannsthals famous Chandos-Brief at the Opera Bonn
Andreas Falentin writes in the „Die deutsche Bühne“: “Is it not an amazing idea to tackle the famous Letter of Lord Chandos by Hugo von Hofmannsthal on today’s opera stage? It is especially so if you have a singer such as Holger Falk at the disposal, who takes you along, actually almost forces you into the jungle of Hofmannsthal’s later period poetry. Falk’s voice moves seamlessly from the deep baritone register to falsetto; he never uses pressure, is never too loud, and so precisely articulates the text that one understands every word.”
And Regine Müller writes in the „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“: “Then Falk virtuously raises the vocal line from the deepest baritone range to countertenor falsetto. Falk masters the pitfalls of this highly demanding and serious role splendidly. His diction is flawless and intellectually satisfying.”